Wasaca was born in the north, without any idea of becoming a clothing brand, it is inspired by the colors of the earth, the blue of the sea but also by the green color that represents its nature. The brand grows quietly during 2023, with a relaxed collection inspired by pastel tones and less risky. That's why at the end of 2023 we tried to make a real turn when we realized that our thing is to dare and jump into the void.

The monotony tires, tranquility is not our thing and if there is something that represents us is the naturalness, the realness. When we started looking for ideas for our first capsule for the moment, we had it clear, luxury brands have always been our references, but not everyone can access them and so, we decided to make the idea more realistic and focused on our day to day. We wanted that luxury to be accessible to everyone, but not in any way.
From there, Offline is the new luxury, claiming that luxury today is to know how to disconnect from all those people who are unable to do so and join the wave of people who spend the day being artificial and only live by and for the image.
With this, we take the risk and we welcome an era, a new stage for Wasaca. I hope you enjoy this new journey with us.
Kisses for you all, we already hate social [media].